The Third Eye
Chakra Workshop
$44 AUD
Tax Included
Third Eye Chakra Workshop
Hello Gorgeous Soul!
I invite you on an exciting journey into your Third Eye Chakra so you can open, awaken, and magnify your intuition and expand your inner sight. There are enormous benefits to opening your Third Eye and everyone is intuitive. This workshop is for people at every stage of their spiritual development and I will guide you to discover the energies of your own Third Eye, which is your inner Divine teacher.
When your Third Eye Chakra is in alignment, you can see into invisible worlds, higher realms, different dimensions, and planes of light filled with pure love and high vibrational energies.
The central purpose of this workshop is to support you to gently open your Third Eye Chakra and to release fear-based energies that prevent you from trusting your intuition.
We will be having psychic fun with visualisations, practicing gazing into psychic art mandalas, doing intuitive exercises, doing deep into meditation, and experiencing intuitive readings.
I look forward to seeing you in the Third Eye Chakra workshop!
Natalee Finn
what's inside the third eye workshop

Dream weaving workshop
Dream Weaving is consciously deciding what your dreams, wishes and heart's desires are for your future and then magically weaving and manifesting them in a practical and spiritual way to bring them to life.
You can energetically make your year charged with all the delightful goodness you can possibly create. Be in flow so you can create magical experiences such as new and fulfilling relationships, more peace in your life, a focus on your health and well-being, calling in your higher purpose and exciting new abundant opportunities for yourself. You can experience the higher energies of joy, love, peace and fulfillment in your life.
Dream Weaving Your
Life Workbook
$55 AUD
Tax Included
what's inside dream weaving workbook